Thursday, February 23, 2012

Create a Legend That Lingers!!!

The unexpected death of Whitney Houston had a huge impact on my thinking! I must admit I was devastated. Just the week before, I drove down Las Vegas Blvd. wondering why Whitney wasn't Headlining one of the beautiful hotels. I ponder this deeply, in fact It upset me so much that I had to call my friends and share my strong feelings about the observation.

I was so hurt because I felt that Whitney wasn't living up to her potential. I honestly could not understand why she did not want or obtain what Celine had in Vegas. Little did I know that my desire for her to be a living legend would be upstaged by her fulfilled purpose to become an immortal legend! Not, that the sadness is passing, and I have accepted such a great loss, I find myself watching interviews, tours, and performances of Whitney's...I think, how lucky it is for her family to have so many memories of their loved one's great work and purpose.

This idea forced me into action. It's time that I stop playing around, and take my purpose to the next level. Our work on Earth is the only lasting proof of us ever being here. I am determined to create a legend that lingers. My goal is not to be famous, nor popular. My goal is to do something that matters...something that lasts.

Monday, January 2, 2012

It's Your Mission!!!

I am so amped up and inspired by the new Mission Impossible movie! A line that was very powerful to me states, “Here is your mission….. if you choose to accept it!” That rings so true to our everyday life. Each day, we are presented with missions some possible, and many that seem to be impossible. Nevertheless, it’s our mission! I am prepared to accept my missions.  How about you?!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

No more pumpkin dreams! Magic Can Last Past Midnight!

I can remember how hurt Cinderella was when the magic wore off after midnight! The beautiful Golden carraige turned back into a pumpkin! I'm not willing to let the magic reverse. Figuratively speaking, I can't turn back into a pumpkin. It is so easy to be average, and doubt the life that you're destined to live. Like many, I have danced on the inside and on the outside of my dream. I realize that I never again want to dance on the outside of my dream.

We must embrace our higher self, and no longer believe that our higher self is someone that we are to become and accept that it is who we are. It's okay to want to be excellent, and accomplished. Sometimes we hold back because we don't want to offend those around us, or shine too much or too bright! It's our time! It's our turn! No, turning back. Take your place! Go all out. Don't apologize for wanting your life to be better. Make the magic last past midnight!

Friday, December 23, 2011

There are hidden treasures everywhere!

There are hidden treasures everywhere.  Life has so much to offer. We spend much of our life searching for the obvious. I am finding that my greatest experiences have been hidden inside or behind the obvious. Recently, I relocated to Las Vegas. Vegas is certainly the desert! However, Vegas has a hidden treasure called Mount Charleston. Just 30 minutes away from the heat, casinos, and bright lights is a beautiful snowcapped mountain and ski resort! Just when I thought that this Missouri boy was going to miss out on snow this Christmas…

Surprise, I found the most beautiful snow scene. I don’t even have my heavy winter clothing…Why would I?! …It’s Vegas! I was not prepared for the fun that I ended up having. I went sleding down the hill, and enjoyed a snowball fight! That experience was such a hidden treasure. I never imagined there was a beautiful Winter Wonderland overlooking Sin City. There is something special hiding in almost every situation. Make it your goal to identify hidden treasures. They are everywhere…Believe Me!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

"GO, It's YOUR MOVE!!!

I can remember playing board games with my sister; we had alot of fun until I got bored! When I became bored I easily lost interest in playing the game. It didn't even matter if I won or lost once I became bored! I can remember sometimes my sister would get frustrated with me and yell, "GO, It's your move!" In those moments I thought she was being bossy, but now I realize that her guidance snapped me back into focus; moving me closer to victory! Also, she could not move towards victory until I made my move.

Some one is bored with this game called life and distracted by your situation. But, I want to be that voice that reminds you to "GO, It's your move!" There is someone in your realm of influence who can't make a move until you make yours! Get back in the game! GO, It's your move! MOVE TOWARDS VICTORY!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Smile, the world’s watching!

I just left the dentist’s office! I’m weird, I actually like going to the dentist. He takes care of my smile, and my smile has added value to my life….and the lives of others. I can remember the song in the movie Annie, “You’re never fully dressed without a smile!” That is so true! Our smiles are so important. A smile can heal! A smile can bring happiness!
How do you smile? Sometimes we smile with our teeth, and sometimes we find a way to smile with our actions. Smile for the world in your own way. Your smile could change someone’s life!~~~~Smile, the world’s watching!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Flash and Flare of Fireworks! LIVE HIGHER!

Regular should only be reserved for coffee and gas. Don’t be ashamed to raise the bar in your life. High expectations are hott this season….well, it’s always been hott to take one’s life to next level. Fireworks amaze me. They are so colorful, and unique in each design and pop!
Flash and flare is such a fun part of life. Yet, many people expect to see flash and flare; but, forget to offer flash and flare. I challenge you to set firework goals and dreams. Set them high, and set them off so they can soar. It’s time for you to see the product of waking up everyday. If you feel that your life is routine and regular….It might be because you’re working hard…but, not LIVING HARD ENOUGH! Live  more; CREATE MORE!  -------Life an AWESOME LIFE!!!