I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the “Spectacular World of
Empowerment Coaching.” Your general interest in my services assures me that you are walking
a pathway towards greatness. Individuals utilize Empowerment Coaches for the same reason
that they use sports coaches or personal trainers; they want someone to work with
them, to encourage them, to push them.
 With each days rising, we search for people who will believe in our worth. Daily, we
search for people who will value our existence. Everyday, we search for people who will
applaud our improvements. Search no longer, I am here for you.

Many people strive to be successful in specific areas of their life. Commonly, people
focus on being successful in their career. Ahh, but what about your family? What about
your finances? What about your purpose? What about your social life? What about your
spiritual life? What about your health? Friends, don’t choose an area in which you would
like to be successful. Be full of success in every aspect of your life.

An Empowerment Coach will help you balance your life.
An Empowerment Coach will help you prioritize, and achieve your goals.
An Empowerment Coach will help you discover and fulfill your purpose.
An Empowerment Coach will help you take your current success to new heights.

Together we can identify the present adversities that are holding you back from living a
life full of success, and provide you with the knowledge, strength, and confidence to be
triumphant in overcoming them all.

It is very important that clients understand that Empowerment Coaches are not therapists. It is
not an Empowerment Coaches’ profession to determine why you are the person that you are, with
the circumstances that you have. However, I am responsible for helping you identify
who you are, and how you can best share your greatness with the world.

Greetings Potential Client,

Allow me to guide you along your incredible journey towards success. You can develop
your own personal “HOLLYWOOD”- a universal metaphor for ambition, success,
glamour, and dazzling dreams. Success is so possible!

Empowerment Coaching Experience – Star Quality Success Plan

That’s right; your first Empowerment Session is free. Let me assure you that you are
in for a treat. Empowerment Coaching will open your eyes to an incredible vision of
yourself. During your free consultation, I will assess your individual needs,
as well as, establish the boundaries of our sessions. This will also serve as a great
opportunity for you to learn more about my services, and my experience. An individualized Empowerment plan is developed for you.

Success is a process. Together we will clearly identify your success goal, and
create the necessary steps that will lead you toward your goal. Your success plan
is all about you. Self-discovery is such an important part of success, and this
overall process. Your success plan will target self-awareness, self-confidence,
self-control, self-esteem, self-discipline, and self-respect.

2. Weekly 45 min Empowerment Sessions- Implementation of plan
“Success is when preparation, potential, and an opportunity shake hands.” During
your success session we will creatively and intensively explore your identified
steps, from your success plan. Our three week journey together will be very
exciting, and at times emotional. Empowerment sessions are certainly interactive.
We will combine dialogue, and a variety of activities, that will speak to your
awareness of self. We will achieve your success goal.

3. Celebration of your Success!
The size of a victory is not important. What matters is that you were victorious. I
truly believe that it is necessary to celebrate your success. Change is not easy, so
progress must be applauded. Your old ways deserve a grand finale, and the “new
you” deserves an equally grand welcome. Throughout our journey we will take
the time to acknowledge simple improvements, and breakthroughs.

4. My clients radiate success!!!
Your empowered living will impact the lives of everyone around you. People
will definitely notice a change in your life. Greatness shines as bright as the
sun. “Those who receive gifts are not successful because they receive gifts; they
are successful because they were worthy of receiving the gifts.” You are worthy
of receiving the all gifts of this world; joy, peace, happiness, pride, confidence,
and so much more. Walk confidently and fearlessly.

As your Empowerment Coach, I will provide the following:

Objective, unbiased feedback
Non-judgmental atmosphere
Constant encouragement
Gentle persuasion
Constructive criticism
Creative analogies
Unlimited email access
Critical incident call access
Unconditional support

Empowerment sessions are held in the setting/environment of your choice.

We will discuss fees during your free Consultation. My fees are affordable, but
successful living is priceless.