Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Changing Habits: Cap'N Crunch vs Ab Crunch

It’s funny, I went from Cap’N Crunch to Ab Crunches! Which crunch do you believe is better for me? I had to change my habits!!!

We’ve got to change our habits. Our habits influence our results. Be honest what habits are productive habits, and which habits are destructive. Remember that it takes energy and effort to produce both good and bad results. Which one would you rather have, If you could make a choice….? Good results for your life? Or Bad results for your life? Oh yeah, you do have a choice. Change your habits! Change your life!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Post Awards Show Comments!!!

I have a lot of fun with most awards shows. I love to critique the performances, the attire, and the overall production. As a society, we tend to have very high expectations for our entertainment; Hence, the overflowing timelines on both Facebook, and Twitter. I know that my expectations are high. Our expectations are sometimes not met……And, then the roasting begins.
But, this post is not actually about the awards show or any performer. It’s about you and about me. From year to year, we expect producers and performers to raise the stakes. We expect our favorite stars to show up flawless.  We expect everyone to sing live, and sound just like they do on their CD. But, the question is how have we improved since we watched the annual awards show last year? So many people watch stars change, grow, struggle and bounce back; and, many everyday people stay in the same rut??? (Myself Included)
Are you prepared to make your show (life) better? Someone needs to go back to school!? Someone needs to get a job?! Someone needs to leave a bad relationship?! Someone needs to lose weight?! Someone needs to manage their money better?! Someone needs to relocate?! Someone needs to switch careers?! Someone needs to find a better circle of friends!? Get the point?! We’ve got to do better! Set higher expectations for self!~~~~~~And, the Best Performance of the Year…..should always go to.. YOU!!!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Dance Your Own Way!

I am now in a Hip Hop dance class. I should have done this a long time ago. I absolutely hate working out. But, I know that I must work out to stay fit. Hip Hop dance was the ultimate workout, but it was disguised as the ultimate party. I love to party. I was so engaged that I didn’t even realize how hard I was pushing myself.  I did the beginner class and the advanced class. I’m actually a pretty good dancer. I learned a Rihanna routine, and a Chris Brown routine. Might I add that I learned both routines within an hour and a half?! I think I’m ready to go on tour…..naw, I’d better go to a few more classes first.
Find out what works for you. We each have to reach our goals in our own way. I have found a way for me to stay fit and have fun; the best of both worlds. Stop telling yourself that you shouldn’t try to or want to do things your way. Create a life full of things that work for you! ~~~Turn the beat aroundJ

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sprinkles Can't Stop Me!!!!

I am victimized by donuts! OMG, I absolutely love donuts from Casey’s convenient store. I love donuts with carmel icing! I love donuts with sprinkles! I love cherry donuts with cream cheese icing! I would love to say that I’m embarrassed to admit this….but, I’d rather let you know…so, if you happen to be at Casey’s, you will know what to pick me up! ---Just kidding!;)
Actually, for me donuts represent the sweet and tempting things that move us further away from our goals. Currently, one of my most important goals is to continue on to have successful weight loss. I’ll admit-- I’d like a healthier, sexier body. Consuming donuts will keep me far away from that goal. The choices that we make must support or goals. What is your biggest goal? What is moving you further away from instead of closer to your great goal?
Let nothing keep you from achieving the greatness that you deserve. I’ve learned that If I’m gonna have a dozen…I’m gonna have a dozen positive thoughts, a dozen steps in the direction of my goal, a dozen resources that support my efforts, and a dozen reasons why I can be, say, do, have, and accomplish what I know that I can!~~~~~Sweet, but I’ll pass!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Stop "Throwing Shade" at the Sun!

Today, I woke up to the most beautiful Sun I have ever seen. For the first time in my life, I felt like the Sun greeted me. I felt like the Sun was smiling at me. I felt like the Sun said, “Get up and shine with me!” The Sun is our friend. Every morning the Sun rises, reminding us that no matter how dark yesterday was….today, we must still rise and shine.

So many times, we throw shade at the Sun. We throw shade at the Sun by not recognizing the fresh start that the Sun offers us everyday. Even though, many of our worries and problems belong to us….. None of yesterdays worries or problems belong to today. It’s time to rise above yesterday and shine today. Make a choice to move forward. Decide what regrets, grievances, habits, thoughts and emotions you are willing to leave behind in yesterday.

When you ignore the beauty and opportunity of a new day…It’s as if you’re throwing shade at the Sun!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hotel Soap & Life “What the heck am I supposed to do with this?”

Hotel soap is so funny to me. I always pick it up and say, “What the heck am I supposed to do with this?” It’s so little and powerless. For years, now I bring my own soap or body wash. You have to do what you have to do to get the job done.

Is your approach to life similar to hotel soap? Do you at times feel that your efforts are small and powerless? Don’t feel alone; because, you’re not alone. Most people just like in the hotel accept what is given too them, and forget that they actually have some power and control in making their situation better.

Start looking at the small soap in your life. See if there is anything that you can do to improve your situation. ~~~~Sometimes you’ve got to bring your own

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Tonight, I had the best Neapolitan ice cream sandwich! Neapolitan ice cream is my favorite Ice Cream; because it doesn’t make you choose one flavor. You get chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. It so hard for me to choose; I like all three flavors. So, why should I ever choose one when I can have all three? We limit ourselves so much. We try to make ourselves pick and choose, and the beauty of life is that you can have it your way. You don’t have to always choose.

You can have a Neapolitan life; one that offers you variety! Stop trying to make sense. It’s okay if you don’t.  Live a life that is filled with all of the wonderful things that make you happy and fulfilled. Create your own Neapolitan experience. I’m sure it will look different from someone else….Oh well, IT’S YOUR LIFE! DARE TO BE YOU!~~~~Neapolitan & Proud

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Risk is the only road to reward!!!

Last night, I enjoyed a trip to the Ameristar Casino in Kansas City, Missouri. I know people have varying views on gambling…..But, I don’t go to lose my house, my rent, my car, or the clothes on my back. I go to have fun. A little risk has never hurt anybody. I enjoy life, and have responsible fun.
This post is about challenging you to take more risks in your life. I’m sure this is not the first time you will hear, “without risk there is no reward.” It’s interesting how many people, myself included, are currently in search of more rewards for life……But, are not willing to risk something to get something. Take a look at the rewards that you are seeking. Make a list of those rewards that you desire, and then make a list of risks you will have to make in order to receive your desired reward.
Just like a game at the Casino, the more you put in can greatly impact the amount that comes out. Make sure your goals are not rewards that you desire; but, your goals should be risks that you are willing to take!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Reclaiming Privacy "DO NOT DISTURB"

I have a job that keeps me on the go! I stay in hotels 3-4 days out of every week. I have learned how to make a hotel room feel like home. One way I achieve my goal is by utilizing my “DO NOT DISTURB” sign. I like to unpack my items, so I’m not just living out of a suitcase. So, I elect to not have my room serviced, daily.  Placing a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door cancels the turndown service for the day. Many of the hotels that I stay in have great customer service gimmicks. So, in the evening it is not rare to get a knock on the door, offering a snack. There is a Sweet Cookie Lady who offers delicious cookies and milk in one of the hotels. She’s great! But-----no matter how charming, sometimes after a long day interruptions can be a nuisance, and or when one of my favorite shows comes on. So, once again the “DO NOT DISTURB” sign saves the day. “DO NOT DISTURB” signs offer peace and privacy.
This post is about challenging you to reclaim peace and privacy in your life. We live in an all access society. Our friends, family, co-workers, associates, and strangers feel like they have full access to you. Some information and circumstances are reserved for the privacy of your on heart and mind. It is very easy to believe that we owe people explanations, reasoning, excuses, and other forms of additional information to justify decisions that we make to lead our own lives. When the reality sometimes is that a person didn’t know or understand something because it was never theirs to know and understand.
My grandfather used to always tell me, “Don’t tell everybody everything you know.” Stop telling everyone your business. Keep some things for yourself.  Every situation should not be a status. And, every trial should not be a tweet. Put up a “DO NOT DISTURB” sign on some personal and private areas of your life. I promise you that you will find many answers in the peace that lacks the perspective and opinion of too many people.~~~Relaxing

Sunday, June 12, 2011

What's shaking you up?

Why do we let life shake us up? It is so easy to be shaken up by our circumstances. It is super easy to be shaken by the words and actions of others. I want you to think about a can of soda that gets shaken up. If you shake up a can of soda and open it, be prepared for it to explode everywhere. Just like that soda if you are shaken up by life there is a great chance that you will explode, too!

How do we as people explode? We explode in our tone…our words….our attitude…our body language. Aren't you tired of exploding. With every explosion we diminish a relationship or a resource. We’ve got to settle down! We can’t let the world get the best of us; we’ve got to give the world the best of us!  What’s shaking you up? Don’t be shaken another day!!!~~~I'm neither shaken nor stirred

Saturday, June 11, 2011

In search of a Happy Meal!!!

When I was a little kid, very little was required to make me happy. In fact, a Happy Meal from McDonald’s could usually do the trick. Happy Meals are awesome. You get food and a toy. The funny thing about Happy Meal toys is that no matter how cool they are they easily get old, and tossed to the side. But, no matter how disappointing the toy soon becomes, a child will still want another Happy Meal. Sounds a lot like how we as adults live our lives…..looking for the toys in our situation, and then throwing them aside once they get old…..and then, in search of something else to make us happy.   

There is a major lesson in happiness that I can gather from Happy Meal’s. It’s so important that we focus less on the toys or lack of toys in our situation and focus more on the joy in our situation. The joy that having our basic needs met and receiving opportunities provides. Think of your life as a Happy Meal but interchange the word toy for the word joy! Food and joy! If your basic needs are met; what joy can you find in your situation? Collect all joy!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Let me out of this box!!!!!

People do see me as sweet and innocent. Not to say that I am not those things. But I have other sides to me.”- Janet Jackson
It’s hilarious how many people know me…but, don’t actually know me! I guess I enjoy being my own best kept secret! So, would you believe me if I told you that I have a tattoo? Well, add on an (s) to that. Drum roll, please….I HAVE TATTOOS!!! *GASPS* And, I am about to get another one! I hate being put in a box that someone else built for me. I have always admired Dennis Rodman’s freedom, and “Bad as I Wanna Be” attitude, minus the substance abuse issues! True freedom to be 100% one’s self is my vision of success and fulfillment.
There are so many things that we don’t know about each other. We all make judgments; but, how often do we challenge our judgments. Is what we believe or what we perceive about a person a truth, the truth, or our truth? Why do categorize each other?
This summer, I‘m taking a “PEOPLE Tour”. Join me! I want to drop my guard and get to know more about people that I have interacted with on a surface level!  I want to experience more people’s real self, and share with more people my real self! An in-depth conversation is one of the greatest experiences that we can share with another person. We spend so much time and money watching scripted stories about people in movies. Interestingly so, there are hundreds of untold, or unsung life stories around us. Get to know me! -------Getting to know you!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I don’t want to play PERFECTION anymore!!!

I’ve been in the longest game of Perfection! I don’t want to play anymore. Perfection was a popular game in the 80’s. It was a game with 3-D shapes, matching holes, and a built in timer. The object of the game was to fit the shapes into the right hole before the timer went off. This game that was meant to be fun easily turned into a fast paced and frustrating mission.

I know that I’m not alone in saying that I’ve lived my life similar to a game of perfection. I’ve tried to fit into to various endeavors in a self-imposed timeline! I am proud to say that many times I’ve been extremely successful… However, until now I’ve been ashamed to announce that I’ve tried many endeavors and failed! I’ve set goals! I’ve networked! I’ve set deadlines! I’ve taken risks! I’ve read books! All of this to learn, “you can’t plan a perfect life.” This sets me free!

It’s time to live without pressure! Today, I proclaim that I will go where my talent takes me. I promise to be open to life and life’s opportunities. I vow to no longer believe that there are right and wrong connections; but rather everyone that I encounter has something to offer me, and/or I have something to share with them. I have a whole life ahead of me; so, no more self imposed deadlines.

My dream has been updated and upgraded, and I’m OK with it changing again! So, “Who is Charles going to become?”………The best Charles I can be! ~~~~Finally Free!

Take a break before you BREAK!

Recently, I have been feeling exhausted. I wouldn’t say that I am overworked.  I would say that I ‘m overwhelmed. I’ve faced a lot of tedious tasks; tasks that require emotion and thought. That can wear on a person. I had to tell myself, “Sit down somewhere!” Do you feel like you’re always going? Do you feel like you are always doing? If so, that’s because you are. You have the right to be tired!
It’s okay to take a break. Unless you choose to take a break, you are going to mentally, emotionally, and spiritually break! Stop overextending yourself. Relax for awhile, and do only what you have to! Refuel! ----I need a break before I break!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Buster, don't be afraid to like something that you once hated!

I'm not even gonna beat around the bush! Tomorrow night, I will be watching the CMT awards. I hope you're not shocked....and if your are oh well! I have found a great appreciation for country music and the country music culture. I have to give that credit to Carrie Underwood and Rascal Flatts. They made country music sound so beautiful and soathing to my soul. I fell in love with country when I heard Carrie and Rascal Flatts sing,  "God Bless the Broken Road on American Idol."

I will admit, it has taken me a while to accept and verbalize that I like country music, and on some days prefer it! I think that what I love about my Ipod. I can prefer whatever genre of music I feel in the moment! Country music stars are class acts, and I did their style. WOW--I'm shocking myself!  I am learning to open myself up to the world. There so many wonderful things and people to experience, and I vow to experience more. I honestly used to hate country music. Partly, beacause I thought that I had to! Don't be afraid to like something that you once hated. Give yourself permission to change your mind! --------Yee Haw!!!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

We must work more than we worry!

The unknown is scary! My mind is constantly running. It is common for me to wonder and wander. The following phrases easily make themselves comfortable in my mind. Will I become….? Will I have….? Will I go…….? Will they think……..? Will I be able to…..? What if I can…..? What if I shouldn’t….? What If I’m not allowed to……..? Enough already!!!!

I’m tired of worrying! Worrying is so destructive to our worth, and our work ethic. Worrying prevents us from utilizing the fullness of our strength and our strengths. It takes a lot of mental and emotional energy to worry. That wasted energy is the energy that many time we need to pusher harder, and move closer to our goals. I’m learning to work more than I worry. If I can fix my situation, then it is extremely important that I get to work and start fixing it. If I cannot fix my situation, then it is extremely important that I get to work in improving my attitude about my situation. We must work more than we worry! Worrying changes nothing but the access to your own strength!
 ---Worrying less today than I did yesterday
1.       What’s the challenge?
2.       What are my options?
3.       What are my obstacles?
4.       What are my internal and external resources?
5.       What is my strategy?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Family Fan Club: Support the goals of those that you love!

Fear, doubt, and insecurities can come along to stand in the way of even the most driven person reaching their goal. That is why it is important to have a strong support system when pursuing our dreams. Sometimes the people most close to us offer us the least amount of support. I enjoyed watching Mama, I want to sing! It was a classic story of a mother not supporting the goals of her very talented daughter. This lack of support can be seen through lack of interest or negativity showing up anytime the dreamer speaks of their dream.

Dream killers are all around and many time the dream killer is related to you. It is so important that we remember that support can fuel awesome heights of success. Sometimes the greatest gift we can give the people that we love is our blessing as they embark upon their own very personal journey in this world. Each of us are overflowing with amazing gifts, talents, and insights that if developed and showcase can create magic.

Sometimes its hard to support someone when we don't understand the plan. But, I have learned that if we first strive to see and understand the passion, and the purpose of our loved ones, then it makes it easier for us to see and understand their plan! Support those that you love. Ask them soemtimes this week if there is anything that you can do for them to move them closer to their goals!---------I'm Cheering YOU on!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hey Big Guy!!!: My Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition

I'm finally not ashamed to say that it still hurts my feelings when people say, "Hey BIG GUY!" I know that no harm is intended, and that those words are usually spoken with a positive spirit. But---those words peirce me deeply in a wounded area. I have struggled with being overweight most of my life. I have dieted, and had tremendous loss....then I binge and gain! I completely understand how the Yo-Yo dieter moves. 

I have decided that it is time to put my weight issues to rest. I watched Extreme Makeover, Weight Loss Edition. Rachel's story inspired me, and her strength fueled my ambition to make a true change. This was the first time I felt with my mind, and my heart that I 've got to make some changes. Today, I declare the struggle is over, and the striving is just beginning! I HAVE 30 pounds to lose, but more importantly I've got a deeply rooted esteem issue to lose! I salute Rachel, and I plan to borrow her strength and attitude to reach my goal. It's time for my Extreme Makeover..... I am so excited about this choice! It's GOING DOWN, literally! I'll keep you posted!~~~~~Inspired to change!