Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Stop "Throwing Shade" at the Sun!

Today, I woke up to the most beautiful Sun I have ever seen. For the first time in my life, I felt like the Sun greeted me. I felt like the Sun was smiling at me. I felt like the Sun said, “Get up and shine with me!” The Sun is our friend. Every morning the Sun rises, reminding us that no matter how dark yesterday was….today, we must still rise and shine.

So many times, we throw shade at the Sun. We throw shade at the Sun by not recognizing the fresh start that the Sun offers us everyday. Even though, many of our worries and problems belong to us….. None of yesterdays worries or problems belong to today. It’s time to rise above yesterday and shine today. Make a choice to move forward. Decide what regrets, grievances, habits, thoughts and emotions you are willing to leave behind in yesterday.

When you ignore the beauty and opportunity of a new day…It’s as if you’re throwing shade at the Sun!

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