Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Reclaiming Privacy "DO NOT DISTURB"

I have a job that keeps me on the go! I stay in hotels 3-4 days out of every week. I have learned how to make a hotel room feel like home. One way I achieve my goal is by utilizing my “DO NOT DISTURB” sign. I like to unpack my items, so I’m not just living out of a suitcase. So, I elect to not have my room serviced, daily.  Placing a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door cancels the turndown service for the day. Many of the hotels that I stay in have great customer service gimmicks. So, in the evening it is not rare to get a knock on the door, offering a snack. There is a Sweet Cookie Lady who offers delicious cookies and milk in one of the hotels. She’s great! But-----no matter how charming, sometimes after a long day interruptions can be a nuisance, and or when one of my favorite shows comes on. So, once again the “DO NOT DISTURB” sign saves the day. “DO NOT DISTURB” signs offer peace and privacy.
This post is about challenging you to reclaim peace and privacy in your life. We live in an all access society. Our friends, family, co-workers, associates, and strangers feel like they have full access to you. Some information and circumstances are reserved for the privacy of your on heart and mind. It is very easy to believe that we owe people explanations, reasoning, excuses, and other forms of additional information to justify decisions that we make to lead our own lives. When the reality sometimes is that a person didn’t know or understand something because it was never theirs to know and understand.
My grandfather used to always tell me, “Don’t tell everybody everything you know.” Stop telling everyone your business. Keep some things for yourself.  Every situation should not be a status. And, every trial should not be a tweet. Put up a “DO NOT DISTURB” sign on some personal and private areas of your life. I promise you that you will find many answers in the peace that lacks the perspective and opinion of too many people.~~~Relaxing

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