Sunday, June 5, 2011

Family Fan Club: Support the goals of those that you love!

Fear, doubt, and insecurities can come along to stand in the way of even the most driven person reaching their goal. That is why it is important to have a strong support system when pursuing our dreams. Sometimes the people most close to us offer us the least amount of support. I enjoyed watching Mama, I want to sing! It was a classic story of a mother not supporting the goals of her very talented daughter. This lack of support can be seen through lack of interest or negativity showing up anytime the dreamer speaks of their dream.

Dream killers are all around and many time the dream killer is related to you. It is so important that we remember that support can fuel awesome heights of success. Sometimes the greatest gift we can give the people that we love is our blessing as they embark upon their own very personal journey in this world. Each of us are overflowing with amazing gifts, talents, and insights that if developed and showcase can create magic.

Sometimes its hard to support someone when we don't understand the plan. But, I have learned that if we first strive to see and understand the passion, and the purpose of our loved ones, then it makes it easier for us to see and understand their plan! Support those that you love. Ask them soemtimes this week if there is anything that you can do for them to move them closer to their goals!---------I'm Cheering YOU on!

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